Mirror and Beamsplitter Mounts

 Mirror and Beamsplitter Mounts

Product name : Mirror and Beamsplitter Mounts
Description :
● Three models are available to hold optics of 50.8mm, 101.6mm and 152.4mm (2", 4", and 6") diameter separately.
● Round mirrors or beamsplitters are held firmly in place by a retaining ring for robust positioning.
● There are fine/coarse adjustment by thumbscrew and micrometer while mirrors or beamsplitter in place.
● Furthermore, it is possible to place such mounted components at an arbitrary elevation when the system is held at a fixed azimuth.
● Full 360 degree adjustment for azimuth by turning the side thumbscrew.
● Fine adjustment for azimuth by micrometer that located at the same side with thumbscrew.
● Full 360 degree adjustment for rotation by turning the thumbscrew at the center.
● Fine adjustment for rotation by micrometer that located at the other side.


Metric 04PMH-2M 04PMH-4M 04PMH-6M
English  04PMH-2 04PMH-4 04PMH-6
Diameter 50.8mm

Model Description Price(USD) Quantity
0 04PMH-2M Φ 50.8mm, Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, Metric Type $215
1 04PMH-4M Φ 101.6mm, Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, Metric Type $265
2 04PMH-6M Φ 152.4mm, Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, Metric Type $647
3 04PMH-2 Φ 2", Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, English Type $215
4 04PMH-4 Φ 4", Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, English Type $265
5 04PMH-6 Φ 6", Precision Mirror/Beamsplitter Mount, English Type $647