
    Experimental content
    ● The law of linear propagation of light
    ● Reflection of a plane mirror
    ● Diffuse reflection of light
    ● Periscope
    ● Refraction of light, law of refraction, and reversibility of light
    ● Measurement of parallel displacement when light passes through parallel plates
    ● Polarization observation of Brewster's angle
    ● Total reflection of light and its application
    ● Concave-convex mirror imaging
    ● Convex mirror imaging
    ● Concave mirror imaging
    ● Correction principle of vision
    ● Telescope
    ● Observation of the light guide and line source of the columnar rod
    ● Imaging of Fresnel lenses
    ● Air wedge interference
    ● Newton ring interference
    ● Slit diffraction
    ● Diffraction of gratings and holes
    ● Observation of diffraction of one-dimensional and two-dimensional gratings

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